Birthday: May 20th ,1990

Friday, September 2, 2011

I know that this is the Lord's work

AUGUST 15th,2011

Hola Everyone,
It feels like yesterday I was here at the computer writing you my weekly email, I just don't get it. How does time go so fast, i bet its in the scriptures. I'm going to have to study that in my share time at night. I think the biggest thing that i am learning now is the refining that still needs so take place, I know how to work hard but the smart working and focus is something that I still need to improve on. I can go out and work but unless I get more refined my hard work is only sweat not results.
This week we have been seeing alot of miracles. We had zone conference this week and it was amazing, I love zone conference because it always gets me pumped but and ready for harder work. I loved getting all into the work its amazing. Sometimes i feel like a horse with blinders on, I know the world is there but it doesn't matter. Its so awesome.  The theme that President really emphasized was NO REGRETS and i am really happy to say that i have none on my mission. I know that i have always tried to be better and improve day to day. I know that i will not be perfect but by golly im going to try.
These last months im going to keep giving Satan a run for his money. Im not going to lie, Satan is a punk. He is the worst brother ever, serious he just has a grudge and so i love this work because i get to punch him in the face everyday im out with a smile on my face. Ha take that Satan, thats what you get!
So anyway sorry for the tangent I just go off like that sometime, so President said that in everyone's area that there is someone to be baptized every month. So we have been looking and looking and nothing. We have been sweating and riding around in car and bike talking to everyone doing all we can and nothing. We have invited everyone to be baptized and follow Christ example and still nothing. We have build great potential for September and nothing for August. I know the lord knows this area and use. He has given us a miracle last night as we where teach one of our investigators Gloria about the doctrine of Christ she felt the truth of our message and will be baptized august 28.
I know that this is the Lord's work and that He is above all we need to do all we can to bring is children home to him. We have a living prophet and I know I am here for a reason. The Lord always provides a way and I know that more so then ever.
I love you

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